Friday, April 1, 2022


Chreaster is a term that one of my ladies in the shop created.  Not being able to get together with family over Christmas due to COVID restrictions, she planned on keeping her Christmas decorations in place until she was able to get together with her kids and grand kids.  We were always joking that it may not be until Easter, hence "Chreaster".  Now, it's me combining the two holidays in this post.

Christmas this past year, although the shop was open again, was not like Christmas Open Houses of years past.  With restrictions, celebrations were scaled back, but our spirits were high and this year's Reindeer, Moon Prancer, was the star.  And here he is!

If you have not yet downloaded a copy from our website here is the link to our web page, where you will find all of my freebies.

Enjoy, you have lots of time to finish it for Christmas this year.


Now on to the second holiday - Easter.

During this past month, a day does not go by that the invasion of Ukraine is not on my mind. What’s happening in Ukraine today is a tragedy, and I, like many many others, am horrified. Wanting to do something to support Ukraine I have designed this years Easter Ornament in the Ukrainian colours. 

It is a tribute for Ukraine and it's people. Their bravery and courage to stand up to the aggressor has united the world. Their suffering is incomprehensible and we pray for peace. 

The pattern is again on our website under Kathrin's Freebies.

We have prepared 50 kits, which include fabric, pompom, and threads.  These are available for $10.00, all of which will be matched by Gitta's for a total donation of $1000.00 to help Ukraine and it's people.


This design was our first fundraiser to help Ukraine.  I was inspired by the Ukrainian Grandmother standing up to and confronting the Russian soldier. 

We prepared 70 kits, raised $700, and donated $1400 to the Red Cross, This was then further matched by the Canadian government for a total of  $2,800 going to help those displaced from the Russian assault.

This pattern is still available on our website for a free download. If able please make a donation to any organization helping Ukraine.  God Bless


  1. Неправда! Россия не агрессор! Украина уничтожала и бомбила свои же территории, где живут и украинцы и русские. Россия не могла допустить убийства людей. Вы все сознательно не замечаете нацистских украинских формирований, которые убивают и пытают своих мирных людей. 8 лет они это делали. Почему вы молчали и ничего не замечали? А теперь вам стал врагом русский народ, который против убийств мирных людей Украины! Россия не бомбит города, она уничтожает военную инфраструктуру и военную технику. А украинские войска из танков обстреливают дома, убивают мирных жителей. Как можно убивать свой народ? Украина это делает!

  2. Величезне дякую за Вашу підтримку України. Ніколи б не подумала. що в цивілізованому світі можна творити такі звірства проти людяності. В це неможливо було б повірити, якщо не бачиш на власні очі .

  3. Thanks for your commitment to helping us learn

  4. Thank you for the interesting and thought-provoking perspectives presented in your blog posts.
