Thursday, April 5, 2012

Stitch for a Cure

Although, I have been working on new  designs for Gitta's Getaway and the NeedleWorkers MarketPlace next weekend, I also managed to finished my "Stitch for a Cure" design.  I designed it for my Mom, and all the women in our lives that live with cancer.  My mother is a breast cancer survivor (15 years) and then two years ago, just before Christmas, she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  My mother, being my mother and not wanting to spoil everyone's Christmas, had kept this to herself.  My mother is a fighter;  as well as suffering through chemo and radation therapy, she searched out alternative medicines to boost her immune system.  She is a constant inspiration; never giving up.  Today her cancer is receeding and she is getting stronger.
I will release this pattern at the NeedleWorkers MarketPlace.  It will be $20.00 (cash please), and the entire $20.00 will be donated to the Credit Valley Hospital Cancer Centre, where my mom received her treatments.  The nurses there are exceptional, and this is our ( my mother & my ) way of giving back.   
 The chart will also be available at the shop and through our website.