My son, Christopher, was at his Prom tonight. He met up with his date, Lauren, at the banquet hall. Don't they make a lovely couple? The dinner and dance runs until midnight, and knowing my son he'll be ready to come home by then. He's not the "party 'til you drop" kind of guy.
So while I'm waiting for him to call for his pick-up, I'm working on my "Stitching for a Cure" pillow.
Last weekend was a perfect weekend for stitching
- it rained, and rained, and rained.
We had gone up north to my parents' cottage,
and I took a few stitching projects with me.
Friday evening I had worked on my pillow. I stitched the darker colour in the ribbon border, only to then discover that I had not brought enough of the second ribbon colour. So I started filling in the background. I stitched a full skein of 7322 DMC, to get a feel on how this colour works with the pink. I quite like the aqua-greenish shade, but I wasn't convinced about using it as the background. My other option had been a soft yellow, but of course I did not bring any of it with me. As it turns out, I was glad I had to put this needlepoint on hold. On Tuesday I popped over to our local knitting shop and found a wonderful soft pink, it was exactly what I had envisioned in the first place. The above photo I had taken before ripping out all of the aqua-green, to show you all 3 background options.

On the Saturday I sat in the kitchen,
watched the rain come down, and finished this Huck Weaving table topper. Huck (Swedish) weaving is
so fast and lots of fun. I had the centre Star pattern all finished by dinner time.
It will look great on my table at Christmas time.
The fabric is 11ct Stockholm an
d the threads are DMC's perle cotton #5 - 3 shades of red and a Gold. The pattern is from an old German magazine my grandmother had sent me in the 80's. Patterns never really get old!!!
I'm charting the pattern and will make it available with some instructions to all interested at no charge as long as you purchase the fabric and threads.
Happy Stitching!!