Gitta's Annual Christmas Open House was this past Saturday, (always held on the 1st Saturday in December). It was lots of fun and busy from morning until closing. I generally take photos throughout the day, but it wasn't until around 12:30 that I remembered. And this was only because Carol, a long time family friend and fellow petit pointer, was taking her own photos. So I gave Carol my camera and asked her to snap some with my camera as well. Before she was off with my camera I had to snap a photo of Santas little reindeer, now Gitta's official photographer for the day.
Here are some photos from our day. My dad hung around for the whole day, mingling with everyone, he was the perfect host. Lady and her mom are a regular visitor every year.
Margaret was busy helping customers and Monika never managed to step away from the front counter. My mom, always making sure everyone is well take care of, kept on bringing her munchies all day.
The busiest place in the house was the fabric table. Or at least I thought so, because I never managed to get away from it for too long. Two of us were always cutting, my mom, Ietje and /or myself, all day, and Mary managed to serge every piece.

On every Saturday in December you'll see Santa strolling through Port Credit, and as Santa loves the ladies, he visits Gitta's every time he's in town. This particular Saturday he partied with the ladies at the fabric table for a while. And I heard him exclaim as he strode out of sight " Forget milk and cookies, Santa loves a Brandy on a cold winter's night "

This is my first post to my blogspot. Before this, I posted every once in a while to Kathrin's Blog page on the Gitta's website To read these please Click here.