So all these ideas were thrown into the melting pot, and what you see is the result. I have added maple leaves and stitched it in red and white to give it a very Canadian appeal. Click here for the pattern. Stitch it twice, once with red on white and again with white on red. The fabric and threads are available in the shop; we have pre-cut 7" x 7" pieces of 28ct Lugana, for $2.00 a piece.
If red and white is not your colour choice, you could also stitch in autumn colours, such as rust and cream; it is a leaf after all.
Finishing Instructions:
With both squares stitched trim away the excess fabric.
Cut beyond backstitched line approximately 8-10 fabric threads or 1/4" to 1/2".
Match the corner of one fabric square to the middle of one side of the other fabric square. Secure your thread to the back, knotting it into the backstitched line. Then bring the needle up through the hole in the corner of the backstitched edge.

Whip-stitch the sides together by slipping under the backstitches.
Do not pierce the fabric.
Continue until you reach the corner of the square, of which you started in the middle of the side.
Finger press and fold fabric around the corner. Match up the backstitches and continue whip-stitching the sides together by slipping under the backsitches.
Continue sewing around the biscornu in this zig-zag pattern until only one side remains open.
Carefully stuff the biscornu using pillow stuffing or fiberfill. Make sure the corners are well stuffed. Finger press the centre to preview the finished effect and if you like the fullness of the biscornu.
When satisfied with the fullness of the biscornu, whip-stitch the last side closed.
Thread your needle with Dental Floss. Dental floss is very strong and the knots will not slip when pulling the thread tight.
Bring your needle up through the centre of the Biscornu and then stitch through to the other side again. Stitch the same path again ensuring not to stitch through the same hole but close to the centre.
Pull tightly and knot using a square knot. Stitch both dental floss ends through to the other side again, pull tightly and knot again.
The dimple in the Biscornu is now secure.
Sewing on the shank button.
With one of the dental floss ends sew through the shank hole of your button. Tie the dental floss ends tightly under the head of the button with a square knot.
Thread both dental floss ends through your needle and pull these ends through the centre to the other side of the Biscornu.
And there you have it, you're all done !!!!
Congratulations; it looks great