One of the Christmas suprises at this year's Open House was a kit of a singing reindeer I designed just for this occasion. All were quite taken with him, and Margaret even named him "Felix".
I realize many of you were unable to drop by on this day, so I would like to share Felix with all of you.
Click here for Felix, the Singing Reindeer.
Gitta's team this year at the Open House, from left to right, consisted of Clare, Margaret, Mary, Gitta, Me, Helen, and Ietje. To see our Christmas Open House photo album on facebook click here. At the shop we appreciate your support throughout the year and look forward to helping you with your stitching projects in 2013.
I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas,
a season filled with love, family, and good friends,
a New Year filled with good health and happiness.