Sunday, December 15, 2019

2019 Christmas Open House

 Gitta's Christmas Open House is here
filled with Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that stitchers call
Our favorite time of the year
Christmas music in the air
meeting friends everywhere
Olden times and reindeer chimes
Our love for cross stitching we all share
Christmas spirits in the air
Stitching friends everywhere
Munchies feasted
And joyful memories shared

Christmas time is here
  Oh, at Gitta's we could always see
Such spirit through the year
But for the next Christmas Open House
We'll have to wait until next year...

Wishing all of you and your families a 
very Merry Christmas and 
all the best for 2020

Stitchers are a special breed, and we look forward to sharing our time with all of you, be it in the shop or on the phone.

Without our stitchers the shop would not be the success it has been for the past 33 years.

It is at this time of year we celebrate not only Christmas but you as well.  As in Christmas' past I have designed another Reindeer to share with all of you.  If you were unable to attend the Christmas Open House this year, we would still like to share this year's reindeer with you.

CLICK HERE  for your copy of the cover photo
CLICK HERE for your copy of the pattern
CLICK HERE for the colour key and stitching instructions
Finishing Instructions will be in the next blog post.

Merry Christmas

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